Mool Nakshatra Analysis
An Individual born under the natal moon in any one of the nakshtra Ashwini, Magha, moola, Ashlesha ,Jyeshtha and Rawati then the individual becomes the native of Gand Mool Dosha. There are a total of 27 Nakshatra. Out of which six are rule by ketu and mercury. The first series of Gand Mool Nakshatra consist of the three nakshatra of ketu are Ashwini , Megha and Mool. The child born in this nakashtra do not see by the father for the 27 days and Gand Mool shanti puja is performed when the particular mool Nakshtra comes again on this day. The second series of Nakshatra of Mercury is Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Rewati. Gand mool santi puja is performed for mercury Nakshatra be carried out on the 10th or 9th day from the day of birth. Gand mool nakshatra does not give bad result if the planet is benefic. It will give good result. The negative or positive result of these dosha depends upon nature of these nakshataras –
1) Ashwini
- It causes problem for her/his father and not may be good relation with father.
- The native leads prosperous and spend a happy life.
- Acquires high status in the society co-operation of her/his friend and travels more in life.
- The native can suffer from minor health problems.
2) Magha
- The native may cause problems for the mother.
- The native may also cause problems for the father.
- The native will earn a lot of money.
- The native will persue higher education.
3) Moola
- Many vital changes occur in life of the father, these changes might be positive as well as negative.
- There are more change of loss of the health.
- It gives average result but these may be some great loss at least once in a life of a person.
4) Ashlesha
- The nakshatra cause problem for mothers and sister. The native may destroy his own sibling when he/she grows up.
- The relationship with mother and father is not so good.
- The native will waste money on useless things.
5) Jyeshtha
- This nakshatra is consider unlucky nakshatra, it is consider that this nakshatra is result of bad deeds of past life.
- This nakshatra is consider unlucky for younger brother and sister.
- The health of mother might be problematic concerned.
- The native faces a lots of problems and struggle himself but these obstacles own by hard work.
6) Rewati
- The native lives happy and successful life.
- The native has a lots of wealth and gets respect from the society.
- Rewati nakshatra born person is appreciated for theirs hardworking and intelligence.
- The native will get support from the government
People born in these ketu amd mercury nakshatra should regularly worship lord Ganesh and lord Vishnu denotes cat’s eye and emerald gems and also denotes brown clothes and green vegetable.